

KILKEEDY MASS: The annual mass in Kilkeedy Graveyard for all our deceased relatives and friends was celebrated by Fr.  Michael Cussen PP. on last Friday evening August 26 at 7.30pm. A large attendance turned out and we were blessed with a fine evening. A big thank you to our Ballybrown Church Choir led by P.J. Carroll with Rosaleen Donovan on the organ.  They added greatly to he occasion. Thanks to our neighbours the O’Gorman family for allowing us the use of their electrical power for the duration of the mass. Thanks to Declan Tierney and Adrian McGann for looking after the amplification. A big thank you goes to our team who looked after the parking of the cars. Thanks to the people who built and prepared the altar for the occasion. This ensures that we now have a permanent location for our altar. Thanks to Jimmy O’Neill, Breska and Bertha O’Grady, Banogue for their generous donation of an altar slab and the altar cloth. A big thank you to Michael Byrnes and the Ballybrown GAA Club for the use of their chairs and benches which add greatly to the comfort of the congregation, especially the elderly. Thanks to Seamus Coughlan our caretaker and Vincent Kelly for having the graveyard in such wonderful condition and for their time and effort in ensuring that Kilkeedy is a final resting place to be proud of. Thanks to all or supporters who gave so generously in the collection for the graveyard upkeep, this is our only means of funding and we appreciate your financial support. Finally thanks to all who helped in any way to make the occasion once more a great success. Go raibh Maith agaibh go leir.


Posted in: Parish Notes

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