

45 DRIVE: The weekly 45 drive in aid of the Community Resource Centre continues every Thursday night at 8.45pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated. We guarantee a great night out for just €5 and please bring a friend. The prizes for Thursday September 29 were as follows: 1st Prize, €100 went to Jimmy McNamara and Joe Purcell with 8 games while 2nd prize, €60, was divided by Anthony McGann,  Micheal O’Keeffe, Peggy Cusack and Teresa Neville with 7 games. The table prize went to Sean Behan and Owen O’Sullivan. Raffle prizes : 1/ €30, Sean King, 2/ €20, Michael O’Callaghan, 3/ €20, Ann O’Brien, 4/ €10, Phil Ryan, 5/ €10, Sean King, 6/ €10, Helen Kennedy.
See you on Thursday October 6. Thank you.

Posted in: Resource Centre News

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