


Athletics Track & Field Sports Evening: Tuesday May 12 has been set for our sports evening. It will be held in Breska Soccer Field. Registration will take place at 6.30pm and event will start at 7pm sharp. We will have events for all children from U5 to U100+. Children can take part in 1 track and 1 field event.  The first 3 in each event can go forward to represent us in the County Finals which will be held in Mungret on the June 20-21. The cost is €3 per child. This is always a very enjoyable evening and great fun is had by all, we would love to see as many children as possible on the night.

Rounders :Training is taking place on Mondays after school and Saturday (time varies so check with Damien or Deirdre) in Breska Soccer Field. New members welcome, this is a team event for U13’s. We hope to enter a Boys and Girls team.

Skittles: Training is up and running for our skittles teams. We have entered teams in U12, U14 & U16’s. If you are interested please check with Michael O’Brien.

Gaelic Football: Our U10 football team along with their coach Frank O’Sullivan are training very hard for the start their county campaign which is starting soon.

Posted in: Community Games, Community News

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