

ATHLETICS TRACK & FIELD SPORTS EVENING: Our sports evening is taking place on Tuesday May 12 in Breska Soccer Field. We will have athletic events for all children from U5 to U100+ and field events (Long Puck Boys U12 & Girls U14, Ball Throw for Boys & Girls U12) on the night. Registration will take place at 6.30pm and event will start at 7pm sharp. The first 3 in each event can go forward to represent us in the County Finals which will be held in Mungret on June 19-21. The cost is €3 per child. This is always a very enjoyable evening and great fun is had by all. We would love to see as many children as possible on the night.
ROUNDERS: Training is taking place on Mondays after school and Saturday a 3pm in Breska Soccer Field. New members welcome, we have a team entered in both Boys & Girls U13.
SKITTLES: Training is up and running for our skittles tams. We have entered teams in U12, U14 & U16’s. If you are interested please check with Michael O’Brien.
GAELIC FOOTBALL: Our mixed U10 football team will play their first match this coming week so the best of luck to them.

Posted in: Community Games, Community News

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