

BALLYBROWN PARISH JOURNAL: Yes my friends it’s that time of the year again and we are now compiling and collecting items for the 2016 Parish Journal. Under the  watchful eye of our Editor Tom Donovan, Des Fitzgerald, Michael McNamara, Martin Hayes, Carl Musgrave and Willie Ryan are looking for items to be included in this years edition. Wedding photos, graduation photos and new baby arrival photos should be handed in to Des Fitzgerald or any committee member as soon as possible. Anyone wishing to have articles or photographs included can contact any of the aforementioned people. As usual we will be looking for support in the form of adverts and a full page costs €100, a half page costs €70 and a quarter page costs €40. A full page in colour costs €160. Your continued support is much appreciated. The Journal would not be the success it is without this financial help.

Posted in: Pioneer Association

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