
Ballybrown/Clarina Community Games


Athletics: Athletics training is being held this Tuesday in Ballybrown School field from 3pm to 4pm. We would like to see as many as possible that are competing in the county finals this coming weekend attend. We will be trying to put some relays together for the weekend. We will also have a timetable of the events for the weekend and will be able to let the children know what day/s they will be competing. The Limerick County Community Games finals are being held in Mungret on Friday 19th– Sunday 21st June,


Photographic Competition: This competition is being held on Wednesday evening 17th June in the People’s Park in Adare starting at 7.30pm until 8.30pm. All competitors have to bring their own disposable camera. We wish all those taking part the very best of luck.


Rounders – Boys U13: Our U13 Boys rounder’s team played in the county final last Monday against Caherdavin. Our boy’s played and great game, we had drama, excitement and the rule book had to be looked at a few times. They were unlucky on this occasion but they will be back next year. We would like to wish Caherdavin all the best in the Munster final in July.

Posted in: Community Games, Community News

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