

COBH OUTING: Thomond Archaeological & Historical Society will have a full day outing to Cobh and Spike Island on Sunday June 28 leaving Limerick city at 8.00am.  This should prove to be a most memorable visit which will give us an opportunity to view one of the world’s largest cruise liner ‘The Royal Princess’ which is 19 decks high and will be berthed in Cobh that day and will depart at 6pm.  The visit will include Cobh’s famous Cathedral St. Colman’s, the Titanic Memorial, Lusitania Victims burial plot, Jack Doyle the Gorgeous Gael’s grave.  We will also visit Spike Island with a viewing of the home of ‘Little Nellie of Holy God’.  The trip includes guided tours throughout.  As seats are limited early booking is advisable.  Contact Pat O’Donovan PRO 087 9977340.

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